Manufactured Homes

Matt Boytz

September 22, 2023

Home Loan Programs
Local Mortgage Report

Contrary to popular belief manufactured homes qualify for the majority of home loan programs including: Conventional FHA, and VA. Additionally as of December of 2022 single wide’s can also qualify for Conventional loans! Many direct lenders don’t accept these, but those are just their added internal rules and we can finance them all day.

Here are the basics required for a manufactured home to qualify:

Must be newer than June 15, 1976- This date is when the official HUD standards  came out, so anything prior will not qualify

Home must be on the original placement- This means no homes that were bought used and relocated. The intended structural integrity may have been comprised so only original placements qualify (Unless you are doing a VA loan, they take moved homes as well)

Home must be on Permanent foundation- One of the biggest misconceptions is what this actually means. People think it means it needs brick around the perimeter, and that is entirely untrue. The perimeter is simply skirting on a man home, and there for decoration. The permanent foundation refers to the hidden supports that you cannot see from the exterior. Chances are if its off the wheels, its on permanent foundation.

Must be on its own property- The last big one, the home must include the it is on, or it is not considered real estate and wont qualify for an actual mortgage.

Cannot be investment properties- While the guidelines allow for manufactured homes, they are only for Primary and secondary residence.

Manufactured homes are a large part of my business, so feel free to ask any questions. The opening up of single wide homes as well helps make some more affordable options as I have noticed a lot of these scattered around the Terrebonne, Prineville, and La Pine areas.

Matt Boytz author

Matt Boytz
Direct: 541-359-7212
Office: 541-972-8616
NMLS 1294957
NMLS 2552455
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